Kopratasa still entertains and titillates

KOPRATASA: Mulia (FMC): Poetry songs are Kopratasa's forte - the trio's previous six albums since 1987 that spawned hit tunes such as Masihkah Kau Ingat and Permata (Buat Isteriku) are testimony to this. The lyrical beauty of poems is combined to good effect with the harmonising vocals and deft music arrangement and the crisp sounds of the string instruments and percussions. As such, what we have is good music courtesy of the songwriters, including M. Nasir and J.M. Aziz. It entertains, tickles, sparks interest and titillates the inner senses. Performance: ***

Author(s): Reviewed by Faridul Anwar Farinordin
Copyright: NSTP
Published on: 16 February 2004
Publication: New Straits Times
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